sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 2014

Christmas Gift Guide


        Is it December already? I just can't believe my eyes that today I opened the 6th pocket of my Advent Calendar! The most wonderful time of the year is here and we all must take more time to make our closes friends and the members of the family happier by sharing more acts of kindness. 
And as the Christmas Eve surprises us with its presence, a little gift for the special people that surround you would sound great, wouldn't it? 
Well, this post is for the people who are out of ideas for their Christmas gifts. 

There are two kinds of people: the ones who really wish for something and the ones who have everything and they just want to be surprised for Christmas. I'm going to guide you all the way, util you'll find the perfect Christmas gift. 

The ones who wish for something

       If you know what they really want, at least 2-3 things on their wish list, your job gets a lot easier. 
       Think if they need something. Try to remember the last times you went with your friends at the mall. Was one of them really into something and now he/she is craving for it? Anything. Books, sweets, decorations, clothes, accessories. If so, that would be for sure the perfect Christmas gift for your buddy!
Is it too expensive? No problem. Buy it together with your friends!

For the ones who have everything

      We all have that friend who's answer to the question "What do YOU want for Christmas?" is always "Nothing" or "I don't know". 
If they don't ask for anything, don't buy them anything! 
      Alriiiight! I was kidding, of course! If they say that they've got everything, try to make them realise that they don't! Come up with original ideas that will bring a smile on their face. Don't buy expensive gifts. It's not about the money anymore. Buy something that means something for the both of you, something that will remind them of you. It's Christmas, it's all about getting into the spirit. Think of doing something yourself! Look for handmade gifts ideas and try to nail them. Cook something that they like and show up at their house without an invitation. That will surprise them for sure! 

       If you still haven't got any ideas, check out these sites: SheInsideChoices, ShopJeenBoohooExclusives and Diva-Charms. These are basically the sites which I check out every week. They ship worldwide, they've got great prices and original gift ideas. You won't regret choosing them. The only disadvantage they have is that the shipping to Romania takes a lot of time. But if you order it these days, it will arrive just in time for a spectacular Christmas present. 
Good luck, beauties! Until next time!x