vineri, 5 septembrie 2014

City of London

        Last year, as my brother turned 19, we decided to go on a "birthday-trip" with the destination London. We thought it was a really good idea to detach ourselves from all the learning stuff, because we both had exams at the end of the year.  So my mom and I bought the tickets and one day before the take-off day we surprised my big bortha' by screaming "WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW, LONDON IS WAITING FOR US". He started packing really fast and so we left. 

       As soon as we got there, I couldn't stop thinking about the city centre. We checked-in and finally took the subway to the Buckingham Palace, to see the Changing of the Guards. 

     But we couldn't see much, trust me. In about 10 minutes, the whole Victoria Memorial was covered in a massive crowd of people, excited to see the same thing as us. More, the traffic was also closed for a couple of minutes.

      After the things got back to normal, which happened really fast, we continued our "journey" through the centre of London, taking random photos and admiring the architecture that was surrounding us. 

         I know what you're thinking about "why the hell are you wearing thick clothes?" might look like it's sunny and hot outside, but the wind blew so hard that it could blow you away, literally. 

       Of course you can't visit every corner of London in a single day, but you really can't miss visiting one of the signature landmarks of this city, Harrods. 

Nope, I couldn't miss the chance to buy some macaroons

     As soon as we left Harrods, it started raining cats and dogs and I was having this just-like-in-movies feeling, when it's raining outside and you're in a huge, luxurious shop, just to hide from the storm. 

We also visited the beautiful St.Paul's Cathedral, designed in the English Baroque style.

         The Shard was also a ticked objective for us. It's a huge building made out of glass, from where you can see the entire beauty of this city. Here's a picture, just to give you and idea of what I saw from up there: 

      Also, you can't leave London without shopping on Oxford Street, am I right? Well, that's what we did a couple of hours. 

Madame Tussauds 

        I insisted really much on the idea of going to the Madame Tussauds museum, so on our next-to-last day in London we finally found our wait to this huge place and we regretted nothing. Besides the admiring, there was also a "house of terror" with real people in the middle of the museum.

I also learned how all the wax-figures were made. 


      Our last day was spent in a different way. Our parents decided to see more of the city, but my brother and I couldn't miss the chance to visit the Warner Bros studios. So on a cloudy day, we left London with magic in our hearts, ready to discover more secrets about the movies which moved the childhood of every nowaday teenager. 

      I wasn't expecting anything and maybe that's the reason why I was so impressed and excited about everything. Just...enjoy the pictures below and I'll tell you more at the end of the "experience"
I was so relieved when I found out that I was one of the Gryffindors, haha!

Harry's real cupboard under the stairs
It all started like this 
The Great Hall of Hogwarts

Gryffindor Boys' Dormitory

 The Gryffindor Common Room 

These are the props used in the movie

All the talking-paintings

The Door to the Chamber of Secrets 
The Weasley's Hut 

The Dursley's House
The huge chess pieces from the first movie

And finally, Hogwarts 

        With every step that I was taking, my heart was skipping a beat. I couldn't stop smiling and my eyes were always full of tears. The music on the background was also Harry Potter themed, which made the atmosphere even more magical. I tried not to cry the whole tour and I did it. Until we got to Hogwarts (the picture above) where a man was telling a disabled boy the whole Harry Potter story. In that moment, I bursted into tears and I couldn't stop crying until the tour was over. Everything was so beautiful, but still unreal. WHY?
        I must say that this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I found out a lot of secrets. Some were extraordinary, but some were a bit disappointing. Maybe I'll share some in the up-coming video. 

     I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, give it a thumbs up or share it wherever you want it to, it would help me a lot :) Until next time, guys! x

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