joi, 11 septembrie 2014

Whenever nothing goes right

     Lately I've been through one of those "hard teenage periods", in which I bet that every single one of you has been through or will eventually come across at one moment. It's that point in your life when you think that nothing goes or will ever go right. That point in your life when your mind and soul are a mess; when you realize that you have no idea what you'll do in the future; when you and your parents just can't get along; when you feel alone, even if you're surrounded by lots of people; when your tumblr (if you do have one) is full of depressing quotes. Unfortunately, sometimes a whole bunch of bad things happen all at once. It is natural to want to give up and quit. It's also natural to want to punch something or someone.

          But here you are, little fighter, you are alive, you are young, you are healthy and all you have is NOW. And as long as I am concerned, I wanna make this moment one of your best moments. So, I've decided to give you some advice from my own experience in this field. You probably think it's nothing important, but I'll try to help in just a few steps.
      Take your time The most important thing to do is to take a moment and catch your breath. People will keep on pushing forward without really focusing on your situation. Take a step back and simply look at the whole thing. Don't rush things and think about what is good for you. 

      Find yourself a friend It doesn't matter who, as long as it's a person who doesn't have an agenda. We all need that someone in our lives who doesn't hear what we have to say filtered through the prism of his/her own needs. We need someone who listens. 

      Do something-anything-for yourself or somebody else I promise, seeing someone smile, thinking that you are the reason or doing something you really enjoy doing, will help you feel a little bit better. Don't hesitate, give it a try!

      Cry yourself out Let's face it, if you don't have anything in your life worth crying over, you probably don't have much of a life. So crying is definitely allowed, but once you cried your heart out, you must stop feeling guilty/sad/mad. One you've finished, remember that tomorrow is a new beginning and start again with a smile on your pretty face. 

      Surround yourself with positivity Start off every day with something positive right away before negativity gets a chance to build up. Listen to a song you love, exercise, call a friend who always makes you laugh, hang out with your friends if you feel like it.

    Or you can just follow these little, easy steps: 
list of things to do when you’re sad:
  • eat chocolate
  • listen to music
  • order pizza
  • buy new clothes
  • watch movies
       If you are going through a tough time, I am really hoping that things will get back to normal for you. But hey, head up! Storms don't last forever and remember that you can't have sunshine without a drizzle. 
      I'm really hoping that this post helped you or at least cheered you up :) Till next time, you could leave some recommendations for my next posts in a comment below, if you want it to :) Thank you! Live you life at your fullest! xx

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