sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2014

Before I die

    There are a lot of things I would't mind trying during my lifetime. But I was thinking of making a list of the things I should definitely do before I die and why not share it with all of you? Maybe you'll have an interest in one of them too. So here's what I was thinking to do along my next years of life:

1. Skydive
    I have always dreamt about being 12000 feet above the ground and the suddenly jump into the middle of nothing. I wonder how does skydiving feel like. Is that the feeling you get when you're flying? Anyway, skydiving is one of my biggest wishes, because of my hunger of adrenaline. As the first opportunity shows up, I swear I won't miss the chance to experience it.

2. Get a tattoo
     I started 2 years ago with the piercings(I have my right ear pierced) and a year ago the idea of getting a tattoo popped into my head. Now I can't get it off my mind, so next month my besties and I are going to get our tattoos done. 

3. Own an apartment with a view
       How beautiful would it be to wake up to an amazing landscape? Wouldn't your mornings be brighter? Wouldn't you always wake up with a smile on your face? Seeing that the world has so many beautiful things to be happy about. Well, I would.

4. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
       I always wanted to attend to an Oktoberfest. Actually, I did attend once, when I was about 7 years old. But I don't remember a thing! Only that the place was really crowded. I also was at Oktoberfest in our country and the atmosphere was chaotic, I wish I could see how the "real" atmosphere is. I hope and I think it will happen really soon, because my big brother studies in Munich. So as soon as we'll visit him, I won't miss the chance to go to the fest.

5. Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, not just thinking about it
      I spent my whole life thinking about doing things, but always ended up doing nothing. And this was enough for me. I want for once, only for once to get that passionate about something, that I can't get it off my mind and evolve in that field.  

6. Go on a road trip with my friends through every state of America
      America is one of the few destinations I have been to and would definitely visit it again. So, as my wage will be high enough to go on a through-every-state-of-America road trip, I would do it with my best friends for sure. Because what is fun and experience without friends? Nothing. 

7. Sleep under the stars
       One day, I want to find a place quiet and far away enough to take a blanket together with my beloved one, set it on the green grass and just lay on our backs, talking about the most random subjects, laughing and arguing in a childish way and as the night comes, cuddling so that we won't get cold and stargazing the diamonds in the sky. 

8. Take a ride on the highest roller coaster in the world
       I am a huge adrenaline fan, so don't be astonished that this is one of my biggest dreams. Now, I don't know exactly which is the highest roller coaster in the world, but I read that the one that has the longest drop (418 foot drop) is the Kingda Ka in the Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey.
I will get there one day! 

9. See the Northers Lights
        I've seen these "lights", also know as the Aurora Borealis in a lot of movies, photos and science shows, but I never got the chance to see one in real life. So, another wish that I would love it to fulfil is to go to one of the parts in Canada that is covered by this prodigy and stare at it for as long as I can. 

10. Get accepted into my dream college and then have a job I love
        I don't have any plans for future yet, but I will study abroad for sure. After finishing the college, I would love to have a job that I enjoy doing, surrounded with people who create a positive atmosphere around me. 

11. Go up in a hot air balloon
         How awesome would it be to ride in the worlds oldest successful human-carrying flight technology, admiring the landscapes that surround you? I'm telling you: you can put the awesomeness into words! 

12. Lose more money than you can afford at roulette in Vegas
         We've all seen the movies filmed in Vegas, in which the best poker players still lose their money in these games. So when I'm gonna be rich as hell (never gonna happen, tho), I'm going to do the same thing, because I'm young, because it's all about fun, because WHY NOT? ahahahaa! (But then I'll start saving money again, duh)

13. Attend at a really huge concert/festival
        As soon as I turn 18, I'll fly to Belgium with my friends, ready to attend to the biggest festival in Europe: Tomorrowland. YAAAAAS! But until then, Sziget Festival is waiting for me next year.

14. Create your own website
         Starting with this blog, I wish that one day I will really have my own website, getting money out of it and helping people in a way or another through my blog.

15. Keep a journal
        I've tried keeping a journal for tons of times. Never could, though. I wish that one day, I could really keep one, in which I'll write my thoughts at night and one day I'll open it. Maybe I'll laugh, maybe I'll cry, but I'll remember every moment for sure. 

16. Help children in Africa
        After getting married, I will insist upon the idea of adopting a child in Africa. I wanted to do it since i was 12 and one day I will, it's a promise!

17. Spend a night on the beach
        I wanna go on a trip with people that are close to my heart and just sit around a little fire, eating marshmallows, singing and making fun of everything. After that, taking a bath at midnight is a thing I won't miss doing in my life.

18. Go into an airport and buy tickets for a random flight
         I'll definitely fly to an unknown destination together with my love of my life. Let the adventure begin!

19. Take my mom on the vacation of her dreams
        Mom always gave me everything I needed since I was a baby. I still remember the gestures she made for me and I think I'm going to start crying. I know she's my mom and it's normal to do everything she can for me, but I still appreciate her a lot. So one day, I'll make her happy and proud of me. 

20. Throw a huge party with fake alcohol
         I've always wanted to throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many people act wasted. So if you'll attend to my party and you'll already know this detail, ssssh! Don't spread it! haha!
   Well, this was it for today :) I hope you enjoyed my 20-things-to-do-before-I-die list and if you'd like to share one of the things you really want to do during your lifetime with us, just leave a comment below, maybe I'll add it to my list, too! Until next time!x 

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