luni, 21 iulie 2014

60 Tag Questions

   Hello! Welcome back!    

     Thinking that most of you don't know me good enough, an idea popped into my head. I thought to introduce myself in a creative way: by answering really honest the most random tag questions. 
So, let the "fun" begin!  

       Gândindu-mā cā majoritatea nu mā cunoaşteţi îndeajuns, mi-a venit ideea sā mā prezint intr-un mod inedit: rāspunzând sincer la niste intrebāri aleatorii. 
 Sā înceapā "distractia"! 
     1. What are you wearing?
  A hotel towel wrapped around me.
     2. Ever been in love?

     3. Ever had a terrible breakup?


     4. How old are you?


     5. How tall are you?

  164 cm, that means 5' 64'' ft. 

     6. Were you named after anyone?

  Not really. But my name is a russian one and I was named like this because of my russian great grandparents ( and because dad's a genius, haha).

     7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 

  "A lot" is way too little to express how much sarcasm I usually use. 

     8. Any tattoos? Any piercings?

  No tattoos, but I'm going to get one soon! My right ear is pierced, I have two more piercings in it. 
     9. Any pets?
  A dog. Labrador. Charlie. 

     10. Favorite song?
  Songs. Favorite songs. Grouplove-Let me in, Ed Sheeran-Sing, The Neighborhood-Sweater Weather, 1975-Chocolate

     11. Zodiac sign?


     12. Quality you look in a partner?

  He should be funny, loyal and altruistic. The rest are just details.

     13. Favorite quote?

  I have a lot and I don't want you to get bored (hopefully you're not bored yet)

     14. Favorite actor?

  Actress. Shailene Woodley.

     15. Loud music or soft?

  Mostly soft. But there are times when I just want to hear those beats running through my body.

     16. Where do you go when you're sad?

  A place in my neighborhood on the top of city, where I can admire the "beauty" of the city. 

     17. Ever been in a physical fight?

  Yes. So many times..okay now I'm embarrassed. 

     18. Fears?

  I'd say oblivion, but I don't fear oblivion. I'm pretty much afraid of snakes and spiders. Oh, and it makes me sick when someone gets hurt and a lot of blood drowns from their wound. 

     19. Last thing that made you cry?

  Uhm, I'm pretty sure that a part of my book did. 

     20. Last time you said you loved someone? 

  Last night, to my boyfriend.

     21. Last book you read?

  The fault in our stars (the second time).

     22. The book you're currently reading? 

  Paper towns.

     23. What is the last thing you ate?


     24. What is your favorite cereal? 

  Nesquik duo and Müsli. 

     25. What is your favorite ice cream? 

  Ben&Jerry's with cookie dough and Häagen-Dazs with salted caramel.

     26. Place you want to visit?


     27. Last place you were?


     28. Summer or Winter? 

  Summer, although I love wintersports too.

     29. Mountain Hideaway or Beach house?

  Beach house. 

     30. Last time you kissed someone?

  Probably yesterday. My mom. 

     31. Last time you were insulted?

  Yesterday, thanks dad.

     32. What instruments do you play?

  I played the piano, but not anymore. Unfortunately.

     33. Favorite piece of jewelry?

  My infinity necklace from my parents. 

     34. Last sport you played?

  Beach volleyball. 

     35. Would you bungee jump? 

  Definitely! It's on my TO DO list.

     36. Favorite smells? 

  Vanilla and the smell of food.

     37. Hair color? Eye color?

  Light brown. Hazel. 

     38. Scary movies or happy endings? 

  Scary movies. 

     39. Hugs or kisses? 

  Hugs. No doubts.

     40. Strength training or cardio? 

  Mostly cardio.

     41. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grow up? 

  I know it's embarrassing, but I wanted to be an ice-cream man. 

     42. You can either speak or hear, but not both. What do you choose?

  Hear. I'm a good listener. 

     43. Do you like surprises?

  I do. A lot. 

     44. How do you like your eggs?

  In the fridge. I'm really not keen on eggs.

     45. What three things make you happiest right now? 

  The sea breeze, the loud music and the cold drinks 

    Let's move to some pretty stupid question, which no one ever asks, but still are interested in hearing the answers. 

      46. Do you always smile for pictures? 

  Not always, but most of the time.

      47. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? 

  I always do this when I'm alone, haha. 

      48. Have you ever peed in the woods?

  Yep. A lot of times when I was little.

      49. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing? 

  Always. Don't judge me. 

      50. Do you chew your pens and pencils? 

  When I'm really into the problem or stressed, yes, I do.

      51. Do you still watch cartoons? 

  Yes, I'll always be a child at heart.

      52. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

  Sweet and sour sauce. 

      53. Do you sing in the shower?  

  I'm a Singstar in the shower.

      54. Is Christmas stressful? 

  No. It's the most beautiful time of the year. 

      55. Nike or Adidas? 


      56. Ever take dance lessons? 

  I did. For like..6 years.

      57. Can you curl your tongue?

  Oooh yeas I can! 

      58. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?


      59. Ever won a contest? 

  I did. Actually we did. My team and I. 

      60. Do you want kids? 

  I do. 2 kids. The boy should be two years older than the girl. 

 If you have any more questions, just leave them in a comment below. 
    Thanks for wasting your time on these questions, haha. Until next time! x

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