joi, 31 iulie 2014

Paris is always a good idea

      It was late in winter: Christmas-time. My family and I were sitting around the Christmas-tree ready to unpack our just-received-gifts. It was the first year when I didn't write a thing to Santa Clause, so I was really curious with what gifts he could surprise me. While my family was opening their gifts, I found an UGG box under the Christmas-tree, so I opened it and tried them on. They were so fluffy and comfortable I was about to dieee! Ready to take the box to the trash, I found an envelope pasted to the right side of box. There was a piece of paper on which was written "ONE DIRECTION". I was confused, so I yelled "MOOOOM!" She laughed and said "That's actually your Christmas present". I just replied "Ok, I'm still confused". She smiled and said "We are going to their concert! Whenever you're ready!" I couldn't believe it, so I just yelled and jumped around the house. After a couple of minutes I stopped to think: Which location would it be the right one for a trip with my friends? PARIS, bien sûr!
  I called my besties and asked them "Ready for our trip to Paris?" with an involuntary grin forming on my face. Of course they said that they are, but we actually weren't. So we started the preparations: we bought the concert tickets, the airplane tickets, booked the reservation at the hotel and started the countdown!


     The days passed by very fast and we found ourselves at the airport at 5 o'clock in the morning, waiting for our plane to arrive, so that we could finally take off to the city of lights.

         We were thinking that we're going to sleep the whole flight because of our tiredness..but actually we did enjoy our flight. Captain Columbus took care of us all the way to Paris, haha!

The sky's no longer the limit!

Just my friends and I!

       Once we arrived to Paris nothing could stop us from walking down the Champs-Elysées with a bright smile on our faces, entering every shop, trying lots of clothes on and buying the ones which made our hearts melt.

        After the first shopping session we were thinking to take a break. But which location should we choose? Because there are plenty of Cafes all the way down this boulevard. Actually wait a second..we're in Paris! Which Cafe has got the best macaroons in town? You guessed it, it's Ladurée! 

Well, now I'm pretty sure you're asking yourself "So..where are the so well known macaroons?" And I'm going to answer your question with one word: Patience. 


      After visiting the dining rooms at this so-called-Cafe, (but it was so much more than a Cafe, trust me! It was like a luxurious mansion!) after buying a pack full of macaroons so that we could spoil ourselves at the hotel too, we started the second session of shopping. 

      Walking down the boulevard, we spotted a huge, flashy gate. It looked a lot like a museum, so when we were about to enter to visit it, two guys in matching t-shits said "Welcome to Abercrombie and Fitch!" We all started to laugh out loud, while trying not to run into other people.

     After trying to calm down... this happened. I could say "unfortunately", but it actually was a fortunate situation. We started to freak out again, you can see this on our faces. And's not Ken! He was real, haha! 

       After receiving the polaroid picture with HIM and shopping a couple of hours at their shop, we went back to the hotel for a nap. 

     But we were actually way too excited to sleep, so we just found a way to make time pass by faster. Enjoying our macaroons, chilling in our apartment, hiding ourselves from the unbearable sunlight and taking some snaps. That's what we did in order to create this:

Well, these are "the so well known macaroons"
     After a chilly afternoon we got back in business, "visiting" the Lafayette Galleries which were huge! It was like heaven on earth for me, having all the shops that I dreamt about in a place: Topshop, Urban Outfitters, American Apparel and lots of others.

     In the evening we used our last forces to visit "The iron lady", known by everyone as the Eiffel Tower. We didn't have the chance to climb it, because it was late in the evening. Therefore, we just took some pictures and admired it from the distance. 

       The next day, at 8 o'clock in the morning we got up so that we could get early to the concert. Actually, to get early to the waiting-line. We got there around 10 a.m. thinking that we were going to be the first ones, but there was a 300-person line at our gate, so we just sat down not believing our eyes what we just saw. Really curious, we asked the first girls in the line at what hour did they get there and they said that somewhere between 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning. After that we got it why the line was already so long. 

        After the concert has begun we kept telling each other "Oh my good, we're at the concert! Can you believe it?" But we could not believe it, and even now I can't believe that we were there, 5 meters distance between us. Take a look at how close we were from the stage:

      After the "dream" has finished, we went to the subway station, where all the people in the subway started singing Midnight Memories and the conductor said in the speakers "We're heading to the direction: One Direction." It was an amazing experience and I won't forget it soon, for sure!

     Our last day in Paris was spent in a childish way. So? What are you thinking about? Where do you go no matter what age you are? Where do dreams come true? Where can you be old, but still feel so young? You guessed it, it's Disneyland! 

      Everything was magical: the music, the people, the weather, the rides, the shops. It was like a piece of heaven dropped in the north of France!

          After visiting the Disney Park, we went to the Studios, where we had more fun on the roller coasters, than admiring the buildings and the atmosphere around us.

       At the end of the day, so that the magic will remain inside you for sure, they didn't forget to make this beautiful firework show. 

      I thank God every day for blessing me, for giving me these unique opportunities and these awesome friends.

                 Hoping you liked this post and that it was worth waiting for. I would appreciate a lot if you would give me a feedback. You can comment them below. Have a wonderful day! xx

                 You can also find me on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , and Tumblr 

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