joi, 14 august 2014

The Skateboard Generation

        In Summer 2013, I started seeing tons of teens riding skateboards. I began to get interested in this field and to search more types of skateboards, to see which one is better from all points of view. So after many days of researches, I came across the Penny Skateboards and i fell in love immediately. Looking at all the colors, all the shapes and the combinations they had...I just couldn't get enough of them. 
        I started looking for opportunities to get a Penny board from my parents, so when the spring began, I kept begging them to buy me one, because it will be useful in many cases.  So they couldn't take it anymore and they bought me an early-easter-present: yep, it was the Penny Pastel Fade 22'' that I was dreaming about. 

        Penny boards are not even by far the best skateboards, but they are really useful. Pennies are little, light and really easy to take them with you wherever you go. You can put them in your backpack or even hold them in your hand, why not? 

      Penny boards are more for "cruising around", but you can also do tricks with it, like the Ollie, Boneless, Kickflip, etc. You can watch them really fast here.

     Once i stepped onto the penny, nothing could stop me from cruising all around the city. Well...except for the bad sidewalks in our city, damn it!

        I bet you all did hear about the Penny boards, but did you hear their story? It's really touching. Take a look at Ben Mackay's story! You won't regret it. 

       If you have to travel long distances through the city and you would like to get a board, I encourage you to buy the penny board as soon as possible. You'll fall in love, I swear to you! More, it's really easy to learn to ride it. It took 2 days for me to learn to ride it quite good. I'm about to start learning a part of the tricks, so keep your fingers crossed for me, hahaha. 

   Socks: Topshop
   Shirt: Pimkie
   Photographer: Razvi Morea 

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     I'm waiting for your recommendations for my next posts, until next time! xx

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