joi, 7 august 2014

Do it with passion or not at all!

         I was 4 years old when my parents decided I needed to take up a sport. Like...really, I didn't move at all and maybe that's the reason I was SO DAMN CHUBBY, hahaha! All I was doing was sitting around the house and eating. Pretty sad, I know. 
So, my mom signed me up to take some ballet classes. I was very impressed with the atmosphere, the music around the gym and especially with my beautiful ballet teacher. After one year of daily classes, I was beginning to get better and better at it. But I stopped, because I wasn't doing it with passion, so why waste my time? 
        After a couple of months of break, I started to take rhythmic gymnastics classes. It was something new, but I found myself enjoying it. I started at the bottom and after 2 years of practicing, I began to learn the whole "circus" stuff, using the ball, the hoop, the clubs and the ribbon. Everything was magical. The club was organising every month a contest and I actually did won some of them.(I was so damn proud!) 
At the age of 8 I had to stop gymnastics or to pass to a whole other level, a higher one, of course, from where I could become olympic. My parents had to take a tough decision, but in the end they said that they decided this isn't for me. So I stopped, although it was hard and it hurt, I understood that and I tought "maybe one day I'll find something else, something that will fit me better, something that I won't let go." And i did. 
         At 9 years old, mom decided AGAIN than I need to do a sport (because I liked sweets waaay tooo much). And just like that, I started taking up dance classes. I didn't enjoy the first days there, because the girls were skinny and pretty and, well...I was not. But as time passed by, I realised that dancing is like dreaming with your feet. So I wanted to get better at it and in the following months I was placed more often in the first row in the choreographies (which was a thing to be proud about, trust me!). 


       We started in a large group of people(as you can see above) and took part to lots of shows.

I'm in the back, hahahaha! This was the first show I ever attended to :)

Our first charity show

First time attending to an international contest and winning our first trophy

Our first show at the Iulius Mall 

Rehearsals before the show at "Casa de cultura a studentilor

      As you can see, we did have lots of fun, lots of shows and contest. Every time I stepped on the scene I was feeling very nervous, but after a couple of seconds my whole body was wrapped in a kind of energy that cannot be explained. And that's how I fell in love with dancing. I fell in love with the feeling you have on the stage and then simply with the feeling you get when you dance on your own. It's that kind of feeling that you are so little, but you have the power to own the dance floor.

       As the months passed by, our tutor opened T-Dance, a dance centre which offered us better conditions and gave us huge opportunities to develop ourself in this direction. 
Since then, we attended to plenty of big contests like Romanii Au Talent, Nymphea, ESDU and (kind of attended) at Dansez pentru tine. More, we created our own shows, one of them called Circus, where people could come and watch our performances.
Random show at Sala Sporturilor "Horia Demian" 


        Every year, T-Dance organized a final show, where every dance group in the centre showed the audience what they have been preparing the whole year. And because the show was circus-themed, we decided to present the part that not everybody sees in the word "circus", the part behind the curtains, where all the animals suffer and want to break free and put it into a dance. That's what we tried to express: the pain behind the word "circus".

Owning the screen



     Our beautiful choreographer left in 2012 for 4 months to the contest named Dansez pentru tine (Dancing for you), so when she was the "duel" all the participants received a surprise. I her case, we were the surprise. We sneaked for about 2 days and as she started dancing live, we were right there beside her, dancing the same dance :) it was a wonderful experience!


     It all started on a Tuesday evening, after our training, when the choreographer asked us if we wanted to participate to this contest called "Românii au talent" and we started screaming and freaking out, because we always wanted to do that. But she reminded us that we had to work really hard to get there. And we did.

     We met all the attendees and it was really nice to talk to all of them and to find out their stories.  
     The judges gave us 3xYES, but they didn't call us to come to the semifinals, which left a bad taste on our tongue. 
     But I must say that we realized the whole effort was worth it only on the stage, when one of the judges stood up just to clap for us and the other two said that we should be an example for the kids nowadays. Now that was worth it! 


         I bet most of you didn't hear about the so called ESDU Dance Contest. It's a contest where people all around the world show what they can do in the field of dancing. First in their country and then, if you're lucky, in the finals in Croatia. 
        We won the second price with the whole group and first price with the trio at Bucharest, so Croatia was waiting for us. We worked really hard for the finals and we were hoping for great results. 
        So on a cloudy day in May, we started our "adventure" to Croatia. I'm gonna say a few words about it: The trip lasted almost 30 hours (it must have lasted 15 hours MAXIMUM). Wanna know what we did the other 15 hours? Well, slept in a gas station for 7 hours, visited a car dealership and had a "shopping spree" at the so-called-mall. Everything because our bus was old and got broken. *YAAY*

       But after getting there, everything was worth it. There was this huge resort full of people that shared the same passion with me and that was all I needed to fall in love with that place. I was at the seaside, with people I loved, making my dream come true. I didn't need anything else.

      We won the 6th place as a group and the 2nd place as a trio. Thinking that there people all around the world ( South Africa, Ukraina, etc), I must say that I am proud for our results. 

          More, I attended to a party which was just-like-in-movies, I swear! It was an open-air-disco, where all the people were friendly and danced like nobody was watching.


        Nymphea is one of the biggest hip-hop and breakdance contests in Romania in which we took part. 


         We prepared a different type of dance as the other groups and maybe that's the reason why we impressed the judges. We didn't expect to win the second prize, because we usually don't dance these styles. But you can see the happiness on our faces in the picture below. It's the moment when we found out that we won. 

     So this was the post about my biggest passion, which I'm trying not to let go. I'm going through a tough time now in this domain, but I'm keeping my head up and I don't stop dancing. 
     If you have a passion in any field, don't ever let it go! That's my advice for you :)

Until next time! xx

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