sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2014

Before I die

    There are a lot of things I would't mind trying during my lifetime. But I was thinking of making a list of the things I should definitely do before I die and why not share it with all of you? Maybe you'll have an interest in one of them too. So here's what I was thinking to do along my next years of life:

1. Skydive
    I have always dreamt about being 12000 feet above the ground and the suddenly jump into the middle of nothing. I wonder how does skydiving feel like. Is that the feeling you get when you're flying? Anyway, skydiving is one of my biggest wishes, because of my hunger of adrenaline. As the first opportunity shows up, I swear I won't miss the chance to experience it.

2. Get a tattoo
     I started 2 years ago with the piercings(I have my right ear pierced) and a year ago the idea of getting a tattoo popped into my head. Now I can't get it off my mind, so next month my besties and I are going to get our tattoos done. 

3. Own an apartment with a view
       How beautiful would it be to wake up to an amazing landscape? Wouldn't your mornings be brighter? Wouldn't you always wake up with a smile on your face? Seeing that the world has so many beautiful things to be happy about. Well, I would.

4. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
       I always wanted to attend to an Oktoberfest. Actually, I did attend once, when I was about 7 years old. But I don't remember a thing! Only that the place was really crowded. I also was at Oktoberfest in our country and the atmosphere was chaotic, I wish I could see how the "real" atmosphere is. I hope and I think it will happen really soon, because my big brother studies in Munich. So as soon as we'll visit him, I won't miss the chance to go to the fest.

5. Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, not just thinking about it
      I spent my whole life thinking about doing things, but always ended up doing nothing. And this was enough for me. I want for once, only for once to get that passionate about something, that I can't get it off my mind and evolve in that field.  

6. Go on a road trip with my friends through every state of America
      America is one of the few destinations I have been to and would definitely visit it again. So, as my wage will be high enough to go on a through-every-state-of-America road trip, I would do it with my best friends for sure. Because what is fun and experience without friends? Nothing. 

7. Sleep under the stars
       One day, I want to find a place quiet and far away enough to take a blanket together with my beloved one, set it on the green grass and just lay on our backs, talking about the most random subjects, laughing and arguing in a childish way and as the night comes, cuddling so that we won't get cold and stargazing the diamonds in the sky. 

8. Take a ride on the highest roller coaster in the world
       I am a huge adrenaline fan, so don't be astonished that this is one of my biggest dreams. Now, I don't know exactly which is the highest roller coaster in the world, but I read that the one that has the longest drop (418 foot drop) is the Kingda Ka in the Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey.
I will get there one day! 

9. See the Northers Lights
        I've seen these "lights", also know as the Aurora Borealis in a lot of movies, photos and science shows, but I never got the chance to see one in real life. So, another wish that I would love it to fulfil is to go to one of the parts in Canada that is covered by this prodigy and stare at it for as long as I can. 

10. Get accepted into my dream college and then have a job I love
        I don't have any plans for future yet, but I will study abroad for sure. After finishing the college, I would love to have a job that I enjoy doing, surrounded with people who create a positive atmosphere around me. 

11. Go up in a hot air balloon
         How awesome would it be to ride in the worlds oldest successful human-carrying flight technology, admiring the landscapes that surround you? I'm telling you: you can put the awesomeness into words! 

12. Lose more money than you can afford at roulette in Vegas
         We've all seen the movies filmed in Vegas, in which the best poker players still lose their money in these games. So when I'm gonna be rich as hell (never gonna happen, tho), I'm going to do the same thing, because I'm young, because it's all about fun, because WHY NOT? ahahahaa! (But then I'll start saving money again, duh)

13. Attend at a really huge concert/festival
        As soon as I turn 18, I'll fly to Belgium with my friends, ready to attend to the biggest festival in Europe: Tomorrowland. YAAAAAS! But until then, Sziget Festival is waiting for me next year.

14. Create your own website
         Starting with this blog, I wish that one day I will really have my own website, getting money out of it and helping people in a way or another through my blog.

15. Keep a journal
        I've tried keeping a journal for tons of times. Never could, though. I wish that one day, I could really keep one, in which I'll write my thoughts at night and one day I'll open it. Maybe I'll laugh, maybe I'll cry, but I'll remember every moment for sure. 

16. Help children in Africa
        After getting married, I will insist upon the idea of adopting a child in Africa. I wanted to do it since i was 12 and one day I will, it's a promise!

17. Spend a night on the beach
        I wanna go on a trip with people that are close to my heart and just sit around a little fire, eating marshmallows, singing and making fun of everything. After that, taking a bath at midnight is a thing I won't miss doing in my life.

18. Go into an airport and buy tickets for a random flight
         I'll definitely fly to an unknown destination together with my love of my life. Let the adventure begin!

19. Take my mom on the vacation of her dreams
        Mom always gave me everything I needed since I was a baby. I still remember the gestures she made for me and I think I'm going to start crying. I know she's my mom and it's normal to do everything she can for me, but I still appreciate her a lot. So one day, I'll make her happy and proud of me. 

20. Throw a huge party with fake alcohol
         I've always wanted to throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many people act wasted. So if you'll attend to my party and you'll already know this detail, ssssh! Don't spread it! haha!
   Well, this was it for today :) I hope you enjoyed my 20-things-to-do-before-I-die list and if you'd like to share one of the things you really want to do during your lifetime with us, just leave a comment below, maybe I'll add it to my list, too! Until next time!x 

sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 2014

100 things to be happy about

       Lately, I've been through a pretty tough time and I started reading more about how-to-cheer-yourself-up. One of the things I found on the internet based on this topic was "Take your time to remind yourself who you really are". So I stopped for a sec and thought "Who am I, really?" And I had no clue what the answer should sound like. Starting that moment, I began to look through my old, dusty books and I found this little wonder, which I have bought it about a year ago, but didn't finish it. So I opened it and a bright smile infested my face. 

   This is the only thing that could bring a smile on my face in the most critical moments, so I thought I'd share a couple of the "things" with you, so that I'll make you happy too (hopefully). When life gives you 10 reasons to cry about, show life that you've got 100 random reasons to be happy about:

1. getting a really good haircut
2. answers
3. popcorn popping all over the room
4. the art in everyday life 
5. incurable enthusiasm 
6. trampolines
7. things you don't have to work at to enjoy 
8. playing among big trees and rocks
9. pink grapefruit with tons of sugar
10. watering your garden
11. listening for the sound of a key in the lock 
12. getting warm by a fire 
13. a successful first attempt 
14. T's and jeans
15. carrying groceries in a backpack
16. the act of entering a room and forgetting why 
17. kids and video games
18. Starbucks' macchiatos 
19. sports shorts
20. riding in the basket of a bike
21. downloading music 
22. filled croissants 
23. late Sunday breakfast 
24. laundry soap 
25. the beach in the fall
26. Wi-fi connecting automatically 
27. roasting marshmallows 
28. a smile, a sunny day, ice-cold Coca-Cola and a best friend to share them with 
29. leaves starting to turn
30. sun-touched shoulders
31. reading a favourite magazine
32. going barefoot around the house
33. the magic curl of waves
34. tall people
35. birds
36. tennis courts
37. writing your thoughts down
38. compliments to the chef
39. singing to the radio when you're in the car
40. walking tours
41. making a birthday special
42. children singing
43. the calm before the storm 
44. big changes
45. penthouses
46. how lucky you are
47. motivation 
48. a quite and personal space
49. elevators
50. looking people in the eye
51. long winter weekends
52. "Life is short, eat dessert first"
53. a street map of your town
54. the first kiss of the summer
55. eating peas with a fork 
56. sandbox toys
57. whales
58. a white Christmas
59. having a picnic on the living room floor
60. sitting and watching a plant grow
61. freshly prepared soup 
62. warming milk for cocoa 
63. crazy kids
64. 50 percent of anything 
65. the sun coming up over the fog
66. parrots
67. popcorn at the movies
68. knowing it's never too late to learn something new
69. jumping in the bed with a good book
70. being taken at the zoo
71. slow snowfalls
72. rainbows
73. love between two people
74. gaming tables
75. open-air flower markets
76. jelly beans
77. wristwatches
78. flipping coins into a fountain
79. accepting a compliment 
80. barn houses
81. a shopping spree
82. singing songs around the campfire 
83. keeping a child's heart happy
84. feeling loved on Valentine's Day
85. saturday night dances
86. reading menus 
87. happy endings
88. a spa vacation
89. Google
90. feathers
91. fortresses
92. the ability to start over
93. taking a long shower
94. ignoring those who discourage you
95. owls
96. one true friend
97. hour-long phone calls
98. concerts
99. one-day hikes


      After reading this, I found the answer to my question in the first paragraph. There should be no answer. It does not exist a "right answer". In order to find who you are, you have to do what you like, be happy and make sure that you experience as many new things as you can.
     Well, this was it for today. I hope this list brought you a tiny smile on your pretty face :)
Until next time, live your life at your fullest, fellows! xx

I post really often on: FacebookInstagramTumblrYoutube and Ask.fm too, check my accounts out! :)

joi, 11 septembrie 2014

Whenever nothing goes right

     Lately I've been through one of those "hard teenage periods", in which I bet that every single one of you has been through or will eventually come across at one moment. It's that point in your life when you think that nothing goes or will ever go right. That point in your life when your mind and soul are a mess; when you realize that you have no idea what you'll do in the future; when you and your parents just can't get along; when you feel alone, even if you're surrounded by lots of people; when your tumblr (if you do have one) is full of depressing quotes. Unfortunately, sometimes a whole bunch of bad things happen all at once. It is natural to want to give up and quit. It's also natural to want to punch something or someone.

          But here you are, little fighter, you are alive, you are young, you are healthy and all you have is NOW. And as long as I am concerned, I wanna make this moment one of your best moments. So, I've decided to give you some advice from my own experience in this field. You probably think it's nothing important, but I'll try to help in just a few steps.
      Take your time The most important thing to do is to take a moment and catch your breath. People will keep on pushing forward without really focusing on your situation. Take a step back and simply look at the whole thing. Don't rush things and think about what is good for you. 

      Find yourself a friend It doesn't matter who, as long as it's a person who doesn't have an agenda. We all need that someone in our lives who doesn't hear what we have to say filtered through the prism of his/her own needs. We need someone who listens. 

      Do something-anything-for yourself or somebody else I promise, seeing someone smile, thinking that you are the reason or doing something you really enjoy doing, will help you feel a little bit better. Don't hesitate, give it a try!

      Cry yourself out Let's face it, if you don't have anything in your life worth crying over, you probably don't have much of a life. So crying is definitely allowed, but once you cried your heart out, you must stop feeling guilty/sad/mad. One you've finished, remember that tomorrow is a new beginning and start again with a smile on your pretty face. 

      Surround yourself with positivity Start off every day with something positive right away before negativity gets a chance to build up. Listen to a song you love, exercise, call a friend who always makes you laugh, hang out with your friends if you feel like it.

    Or you can just follow these little, easy steps: 
list of things to do when you’re sad:
  • eat chocolate
  • listen to music
  • order pizza
  • buy new clothes
  • watch movies
       If you are going through a tough time, I am really hoping that things will get back to normal for you. But hey, head up! Storms don't last forever and remember that you can't have sunshine without a drizzle. 
      I'm really hoping that this post helped you or at least cheered you up :) Till next time, you could leave some recommendations for my next posts in a comment below, if you want it to :) Thank you! Live you life at your fullest! xx

vineri, 5 septembrie 2014

City of London

        Last year, as my brother turned 19, we decided to go on a "birthday-trip" with the destination London. We thought it was a really good idea to detach ourselves from all the learning stuff, because we both had exams at the end of the year.  So my mom and I bought the tickets and one day before the take-off day we surprised my big bortha' by screaming "WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW, LONDON IS WAITING FOR US". He started packing really fast and so we left. 

       As soon as we got there, I couldn't stop thinking about the city centre. We checked-in and finally took the subway to the Buckingham Palace, to see the Changing of the Guards. 

     But we couldn't see much, trust me. In about 10 minutes, the whole Victoria Memorial was covered in a massive crowd of people, excited to see the same thing as us. More, the traffic was also closed for a couple of minutes.

      After the things got back to normal, which happened really fast, we continued our "journey" through the centre of London, taking random photos and admiring the architecture that was surrounding us. 

         I know what you're thinking about "why the hell are you wearing thick clothes?" Well...it might look like it's sunny and hot outside, but the wind blew so hard that it could blow you away, literally. 

       Of course you can't visit every corner of London in a single day, but you really can't miss visiting one of the signature landmarks of this city, Harrods. 

Nope, I couldn't miss the chance to buy some macaroons

     As soon as we left Harrods, it started raining cats and dogs and I was having this just-like-in-movies feeling, when it's raining outside and you're in a huge, luxurious shop, just to hide from the storm. 

We also visited the beautiful St.Paul's Cathedral, designed in the English Baroque style.

         The Shard was also a ticked objective for us. It's a huge building made out of glass, from where you can see the entire beauty of this city. Here's a picture, just to give you and idea of what I saw from up there: 

      Also, you can't leave London without shopping on Oxford Street, am I right? Well, that's what we did a couple of hours. 

Madame Tussauds 

        I insisted really much on the idea of going to the Madame Tussauds museum, so on our next-to-last day in London we finally found our wait to this huge place and we regretted nothing. Besides the admiring, there was also a "house of terror" with real people in the middle of the museum.

I also learned how all the wax-figures were made. 


      Our last day was spent in a different way. Our parents decided to see more of the city, but my brother and I couldn't miss the chance to visit the Warner Bros studios. So on a cloudy day, we left London with magic in our hearts, ready to discover more secrets about the movies which moved the childhood of every nowaday teenager. 

      I wasn't expecting anything and maybe that's the reason why I was so impressed and excited about everything. Just...enjoy the pictures below and I'll tell you more at the end of the "experience"
I was so relieved when I found out that I was one of the Gryffindors, haha!

Harry's real cupboard under the stairs
It all started like this 
The Great Hall of Hogwarts

Gryffindor Boys' Dormitory

 The Gryffindor Common Room 

These are the props used in the movie

All the talking-paintings

The Door to the Chamber of Secrets 
The Weasley's Hut 

The Dursley's House
The huge chess pieces from the first movie

And finally, Hogwarts 

        With every step that I was taking, my heart was skipping a beat. I couldn't stop smiling and my eyes were always full of tears. The music on the background was also Harry Potter themed, which made the atmosphere even more magical. I tried not to cry the whole tour and I did it. Until we got to Hogwarts (the picture above) where a man was telling a disabled boy the whole Harry Potter story. In that moment, I bursted into tears and I couldn't stop crying until the tour was over. Everything was so beautiful, but still unreal. WHY?
        I must say that this was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I found out a lot of secrets. Some were extraordinary, but some were a bit disappointing. Maybe I'll share some in the up-coming video. 

     I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, give it a thumbs up or share it wherever you want it to, it would help me a lot :) Until next time, guys! x