marți, 28 octombrie 2014

DIY Room Decor: Nail String Art

DIY Room Decor: Nail String Art 

      I was really busy this weekend, haha! No, I didn't do my homework. At all. Whoops. My best friend was redecorating her room and she really wanted to create a diy painting/decoration. I mean...who wouldn't love to have such a wonderful work of art hanging on their wall for the next few years? I bet you all would! Check out my video for some tricks before starting: 

       Thinking that you'll get into the idea of me making DIY posts, I decided to start with this tutorial. There's going to be also a step-by-step video a bit later. 
There's no time to waste, let's get started! 

  It' easy! All you need is: 
  • a piece of wooden board
  • a couple of strings (you're choosing the style, so let your imagination spread and find the right colours for your creation)
  • nails 
  • a hammer 
  • white spray 
  • a pencil and a ruler 

Step 1: Draw

    As your ideas invade your mind, let your hand go with the flow. Be inventive! Try something new, do whatever you want to! It's your idea, your style, your signature! My girl, well, she wanted something to remind her of dreaming. She always kept telling me that this work of art will remind her of the quote "If you can dream it, you can do it." So this is what we chose, the word dreaming. But you can choose any other word or shape.
    Start by having a model of the shape you want to draw in front of your eyes. It's not necessarily, but I'm not good at drawing, so I really had to look at a model while trying to show off my draw skills.
    Slowly, start to draw the margins of the word, don't hurry. You've got time! 

This is Jazz! She was or little help, our secret ingredient for
making things easier

2. Start Outlining Your Word

      It's your turn to see what it feels like to work like a carpenter, hahaha! Simply start by inserting the nails in the board with your hammer. They should push in fairly easily with a little pressure (except when you hit a knot in the wooden board...Try to avoid them as much as you can, I'm telling you this from my own experience! If a nail in pushed into a knot, it won't remain inside for too long. When the situation will begin to turn pink (4. Step), your nails will fall and you'll get soooo damn angry, that you won't be able to continue. This is your warning, guys! Avoid the dark knots in the wood!)

3. Paint your Board

      Start spreading your spray all over the board from about 25 cm distance. 

4. String your Canvas 

 Now the fun part: stringing.
     Start doing roundabouts around the nails again and again. Reminder: be patient and don't rush!
P.S. We had a pretty thin strings and we had to do too many roundabouts around the nails, so we decided to make our work two times easier, in which we doubled the strings (we put two strings next to each other and started doing roundabouts with both, acting like we have a single string). This will help you, if your strings are also thin.

You can start with doing a knot on a nail, so that you'll
make sure that you strings will remain intact

What do you think about it? The time I wasted on this work of art wasn't wasted, right?

     Don't hesitate doing this at home, it isn't dangerous, even if you're working with a hammer and nails, it's cheap and you'll be very satisfied of what you did all by yourself. 
     I hope you enjoyed this post and I guess we'll keep in touch on Instagram
Don't miss Take care!xx

duminică, 19 octombrie 2014

Pointless Post: 20 things to do when you're bored

       Lately I was thinking about writing a pointless post. Not to present anything or to share with you another boring experience of mine, not to give out another trip post or to write another recommendation. No. Just to write a post out of boredom. To help you laugh through the next lines you'll read or to give you a dumb idea of what you should do when you're bored. CAUTION! The level of dumbness of what's coming next is over 9000. But if you don't think much while reading and if you're in a good mood, you'll laugh, just as I did while writing it. 
       I bet that every single on of you, beautiful people, get bored sometimes, no matter how busy you are and no matter how many problems you have on your clever mind. At one moment you'll finish your problems and you'll finally "have the time" to get bored, sitting alone in your room. But is that what you really want to? To come along to that point when you have no idea what to do? I don't think so, guys... So here're the things I was thinking about sharing with you:

1.Have a staring contest in the mirror
     I think every one of us has lost time staring in the mirror, so why not do a staring contest with yourself? Thinking that you are battling yourself and trying to win will be funny. I'm telling you this because I've tried it a couple of times before. 

2.Buy an ice-cream, ask the cashier if she believes in unicorns, if she says yes, buy another one. If she says no, squish that cone on your forehead!
    I know this might sound insane, but two of my best friends really did this at McDonald's and I filmed them. And the cashier was like "really?" and started laughing. After that she offered us two more ice-creams. So don't come up with excuses like "nobody has the courage to do that, not even you!" *bitchy voice*, okay? Just give it a try, you'll laugh a lot!
This was our attempt

3.Blink wildly and close you eyes really tight for an interesting light show
     I started doing this since I was a little kid. Even if your eyes will hurt a bit after that, it's worth it. 'Cause the light show is so spectacular and it makes you feel dizzy for a couple of seconds, depending on how much you hold your eyes closed. 

4.Try not to think about penguins! I said NOT to think
    I had to write this one, because I've fallen in this kind of traps for too many times. It was your turn now.

5.Go to a crowded place and play dead
     It could be a supermarket, a plaza, a mall, whatever you want it to be. But make it legendary! 

6.Take a stuffed animal to the vet
     This would be a good idea if we wouldn't live in cities in which vets would be mean and will invite you to get out of their office as soon as they see your cuddle buddy. Still, you could try it!

7.Go to the cinema to an action movie and whenever there is a gunshot, scream "EVERYONE HIT THE FLOOR" and hide under your seat
      Nothing more to add to this idea, go for it! Don't be shy, hahaha!

8.Search your name on google
      It's amazing how many people have the same name as you, isn't it? Try to find yourself on google, not those people you had no idea about. Be amazed by how many photos you'll find of yourself.

9.Phone your Grandma/Grandpa/other family members
     Think about how happy you'll make them feel if you'll give them a 3-minute-call just to ask them how they are. If you can't imagine how happy they'll get, put yourself in their shoes. Do you feel it? That's how happiness feels like at their age. We are the reasons why they make it through every day. 

10.Go up to every person you see and tell them you're watching them
      They'll think you're crazy, but isn't it what you really wish for? To be different? To be better than others? 

11.See how much water you can drink until you have to go to the toilet
      This is one of the dumbest ideas on the list, who even does that? 

12.Go to the computer duh
      Once you'll open your computer or phone, you'll find something to do. 

13.Come up with yo mama jokes
      This will never get old. And think about the moment when you'll say it out loud and everybody will laugh. Oh, how good it'll feel.

14.Play thumb wrestle with yourself 
Try to
until you realise it's not even possible

15.Have a conversation with your wall
      If you never did this before it're a normal teen. But I did, I speak to myself or to the wall pretty often *forever alone gurl*

16.Eat a pudding cut without using your hands
      You'll turn into a piggy while trying to eat. more thing. DO. NOT. MAKE. EYE. CONTACT.

17.Try to hold your breath as long as you can
      I've done this before and it doesn't feel good. But once you've made a new record (better than your previous one), you'll be satisfied. 

18.Flirt with a tree
      This is a thing I would do any time, I swear! It's so dumb, but doing it is really fun. You should try it! 

19.Build a fort out of blankets
      Isn't it a cute idea? Building a fort out of blankets? And after struggling to build it, you can relax in it, watch movies and maybe cuddle. *tumblr picture in my head*

20. Repeat the same word over and over again, until it loses its meaning
      I've tried this a lot of times and it never gets boring. You only get tired. Literally. You won't be able to move your mouth or catch your breath after a couple of minutes. To make it more interesting, choose an unusual word. 

      This was it for today, guys. This was my first pointless post. At this moment I'm trying to start continue my blog on, that's why I'm really busy at this time. Whatever I'll do next, I'll keep you in touch through my Instagram or through an Update Post on this blog. Have a great evening!xx

duminică, 12 octombrie 2014

Rejecting Autumn

       It was Saturday morning when my best friend and I decided that we should definitely go for the idea of a photo-shoot that day. Her cute, little camera was already prepared, the playlist was chosen, all we had to do was to grab a handful of joy and stuff it into our pockets. 
         As soon as I got there, I couldn't miss the chance to photograph the sun wrapping the whole city with its bright sunshine

          As you could see in the pictures above, but also on my Tumblr and Instagram, I have a huge crush on ANY kind of landscapes. They give me a feeling of loneliness. But not that
kind of loneliness you feel when you're sad and alone, but the one that you really enjoy. The one you thank God about, because he gave you the opportunity to see so much beauty with your own eyes.

     Even if it's already the second month of Fall, the sun is still fighting the bad weather.
Although the Halloween is getting closer and the rain boots have already appeared in our dressing room, the leaves of the trees are still green and intact. 

          I like to come here and catch a glimpse at everything that surrounds me. Whenever I'm feeling alone, I enjoy sitting on one of the cold stones, in a suffocating silence, forgetting the people around me, noticing that everything is so little and fragile from up here...

        And after that, I'd probably fall into a trance and all my bad thoughts will come back and I'll start crying, but that's a whole other story. Let's stay focused on ours. 

        Even if the summer colours slowly start to fade, the summer within our hearts won't. Well, until winter comes and we'll fall in love with the snow fights, cinnamon smell and the hot chocolate taste.

           We had a lot of fun at the photo-session, really. Because lately, I didn't spent so much time with her, unfortunately. We finally opened up to each other and got closer (Oh, thank God).  

          As long as the sun shines bright in the sky and the warm, fresh air will still wrap me up, the summer won't leave my head or heart. Cheers to the warm autumn vibes! 

       Thank you for reading and I guess I'll see you soon! Until then, I would love if you could leave a comment or chat me directly, telling me if I should write my posts in rumanian, too. It would help me a lot, thank you! Make today the best day you've ever lived, cheers! xx

duminică, 5 octombrie 2014

How to turn from a night owl to a morning person

      So school really did start, didn't it, fellows? I bet you all force yourself to crawl out of the bed every morning at 7 o'clock or even earlier. It's really hard for me too, I swear. On holiday, I was always getting up at noon and the sun was already setting down when I was having lunch or something like that. I'm pretty embarrassed because of my vacation routine, I wish I would have gotten up earlier and have done something the past days that my future self would have thanked me for. But, well...I didn't. So here I am, starting a brand new school year with a single huge wish on the top of my wish-list: to become a morning person.
      But don't you think that we can really get through this? Don't you think we could turn that alarm clock off and start the day with a smile? Every day is a brand new start, don't miss the chance to make your life better. 
I've been reading a lot of articles about this topic, and I found out a lot of useful and interesting advice. Some of the advice may be useful only on weekends, because on school days we're basically forced to wake up early. Thinking that nobody will ever listen to me around the house, I thought to share them with you, so I'm going to try to write them in a couple of steps.

1. Think about why you'd like to get up earlier 

      If you wake up earlier, you'll have more quiet time for yourself, so that you can read, think about your daily problems (don't overthink) or exercise. More, you could catch the sun rising in the morning skies, which would probably bring a huge smile on your face. Also, getting up early will get the best of you and the best of others, too. If you get things done early, you'll have more time for yourself in the evening. 

2. Go to bed earlier

      To rise earlier, you'll need to sleep earlier. Of course, this will be hard if staying up late turned into a habit for you, but consider going to bed in increments. Start with 15 minutes earlier, with the expectation of getting up 15 minutes earlier, too. Then gradually increase the amount of time to half an hour, an hour, two. As much as your pretty heart wants to. If you do this little by little, it will give your body and mind the time to adjust. 
    For you to get to bed earlier:

  •  assume that you have one hour less to do everything in the evening
  • aim your lights 1 hour before bed, to facilitate the release of melatonin, so that you'll get sleepy.
  • allow yourself to read in bed, you will slowly fall asleep because of the lack of movement. 

3. Set your alarm clock

      It's important to wake up as a matter of will, but an alarm helps. Always. 
So that you can get up early

  •  make your alarm clock loud 
  •  leave your alarm clock far away from your bed, so that you won't crawl back into your bed, once you've gotten up. 

4. Help wake yourself up

       It will be difficult, especially if you want to turn your night owl sleeping patterns to morning person rhythm. But there are some ways to trick your body to become active:

  •  Turn on bright lights or open your windows, so that natural light can invade your room. This will reset your circadian rhythm and will make your body more alert. 

Here are some more things that will not reset your circadian rhythm, but will help you get used to the morning routine: 

  • make your bed-it will be harder for you to crawl back into it, if you've already put so much effort in making it. 
  • force yourself to get out of the room - go to the bathroom, go get a glass of water from the kitchen, do anything to start your activities. 
  • splash your face with water - who doesn't feel wide awake when cold water is "thrown at them"?
  • stretch 
  • put on upbeat music and dance to it.
  • drink a fresh juice/coffee/tea before eating anything

"You may never hop out of morning with a smile plastered on your face, but you can make it a bit easier"

5. Have a good breakfast
      Don't be tempted to skip breakfast. It's your first source of energy and the only one until lunch.
     "After sleeping all night, our metabolism and blood sugar are at their lowest; we need a healthy breakfast to reenergise us", says Rebecca Scrichfield, a nutritionist in Washington D.C. She also thinks that our breakfast should be rich in protein.

6. Keep it up

       It's important to get up at the same time every day, once you're stablished in your new routine. The body likes to anticipate what's happening, that's how it'll get used to the routine. 
And think about the good in rising early:

  • you'll relax more
  • you'll sleep much better at night
  • in the morning, as you get up, you'll be refreshed. 

7. Be realistic 

       It can take time to transition from a night owl to a morning person. Moreover, it may not be possible to switch yourself over entirely to becoming a morning person, because of your genetic basis. Stick with the process, it's not going to be easy, but after a couple of days, your body will get used to the routine.
       Have rewards in place for early rising. Yes! You did it! You didn't hit the snooze button! Reward yourself with something that encourages you to keep getting up early each day. 
Remind yourself that today is a new day. Forget about what happened yesterday, it's past. Today is a new chance, it's a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again! 

So that you'll have a calm and relaxing night sleep, check out this video
    I'm trying to keep up with this schedule, but it's really hard for me. But I gave it a try and I don't regret it. You should try it, too! 

You can also find me on: and Tumblr