duminică, 19 octombrie 2014

Pointless Post: 20 things to do when you're bored

       Lately I was thinking about writing a pointless post. Not to present anything or to share with you another boring experience of mine, not to give out another trip post or to write another recommendation. No. Just to write a post out of boredom. To help you laugh through the next lines you'll read or to give you a dumb idea of what you should do when you're bored. CAUTION! The level of dumbness of what's coming next is over 9000. But if you don't think much while reading and if you're in a good mood, you'll laugh, just as I did while writing it. 
       I bet that every single on of you, beautiful people, get bored sometimes, no matter how busy you are and no matter how many problems you have on your clever mind. At one moment you'll finish your problems and you'll finally "have the time" to get bored, sitting alone in your room. But is that what you really want to? To come along to that point when you have no idea what to do? I don't think so, guys... So here're the things I was thinking about sharing with you:

1.Have a staring contest in the mirror
     I think every one of us has lost time staring in the mirror, so why not do a staring contest with yourself? Thinking that you are battling yourself and trying to win will be funny. I'm telling you this because I've tried it a couple of times before. 

2.Buy an ice-cream, ask the cashier if she believes in unicorns, if she says yes, buy another one. If she says no, squish that cone on your forehead!
    I know this might sound insane, but two of my best friends really did this at McDonald's and I filmed them. And the cashier was like "really?" and started laughing. After that she offered us two more ice-creams. So don't come up with excuses like "nobody has the courage to do that, not even you!" *bitchy voice*, okay? Just give it a try, you'll laugh a lot!
This was our attempt

3.Blink wildly and close you eyes really tight for an interesting light show
     I started doing this since I was a little kid. Even if your eyes will hurt a bit after that, it's worth it. 'Cause the light show is so spectacular and it makes you feel dizzy for a couple of seconds, depending on how much you hold your eyes closed. 

4.Try not to think about penguins! I said NOT to think
    I had to write this one, because I've fallen in this kind of traps for too many times. It was your turn now.

5.Go to a crowded place and play dead
     It could be a supermarket, a plaza, a mall, whatever you want it to be. But make it legendary! 

6.Take a stuffed animal to the vet
     This would be a good idea if we wouldn't live in cities in which vets would be mean and will invite you to get out of their office as soon as they see your cuddle buddy. Still, you could try it!

7.Go to the cinema to an action movie and whenever there is a gunshot, scream "EVERYONE HIT THE FLOOR" and hide under your seat
      Nothing more to add to this idea, go for it! Don't be shy, hahaha!

8.Search your name on google
      It's amazing how many people have the same name as you, isn't it? Try to find yourself on google, not those people you had no idea about. Be amazed by how many photos you'll find of yourself.

9.Phone your Grandma/Grandpa/other family members
     Think about how happy you'll make them feel if you'll give them a 3-minute-call just to ask them how they are. If you can't imagine how happy they'll get, put yourself in their shoes. Do you feel it? That's how happiness feels like at their age. We are the reasons why they make it through every day. 

10.Go up to every person you see and tell them you're watching them
      They'll think you're crazy, but isn't it what you really wish for? To be different? To be better than others? 

11.See how much water you can drink until you have to go to the toilet
      This is one of the dumbest ideas on the list, who even does that? 

12.Go to the computer duh
      Once you'll open your computer or phone, you'll find something to do. 

13.Come up with yo mama jokes
      This will never get old. And think about the moment when you'll say it out loud and everybody will laugh. Oh, how good it'll feel.

14.Play thumb wrestle with yourself 
Try to
until you realise it's not even possible

15.Have a conversation with your wall
      If you never did this before it means...you're a normal teen. But I did, I speak to myself or to the wall pretty often *forever alone gurl*

16.Eat a pudding cut without using your hands
      You'll turn into a piggy while trying to eat. And...one more thing. DO. NOT. MAKE. EYE. CONTACT.

17.Try to hold your breath as long as you can
      I've done this before and it doesn't feel good. But once you've made a new record (better than your previous one), you'll be satisfied. 

18.Flirt with a tree
      This is a thing I would do any time, I swear! It's so dumb, but doing it is really fun. You should try it! 

19.Build a fort out of blankets
      Isn't it a cute idea? Building a fort out of blankets? And after struggling to build it, you can relax in it, watch movies and maybe cuddle. *tumblr picture in my head*

20. Repeat the same word over and over again, until it loses its meaning
      I've tried this a lot of times and it never gets boring. You only get tired. Literally. You won't be able to move your mouth or catch your breath after a couple of minutes. To make it more interesting, choose an unusual word. 

      This was it for today, guys. This was my first pointless post. At this moment I'm trying to start continue my blog on Wordpress.org, that's why I'm really busy at this time. Whatever I'll do next, I'll keep you in touch through my Instagram or through an Update Post on this blog. Have a great evening!xx

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